Friday 20 July 2012

A poem to my Beloved Daughter Jessica Ann Thompson (nee Petersen)


Your mother was once, the apple of my eye,
And you but a twinkle, that when born made me sigh,
Then I gave you your name, and put you to breast,
Of your mother who raised you and gave you her best.

They say if you Love someone, you must let them go,
And how much I care for you, you may never know,
Yet oft times I think of you and pray you’re alright,
Then softly whisper, God Bless you tonight.

With playful reminders, of happiness... still,
I never thought... or perceived that I will,
Yet ponder the notion, to see you once more,
Is what I do pray for, and with hope do implore.

Your life takes you thither, and hither I say,
Ever comforted in the knowledge, that you’re going the right way,
You’re a Star that is Rising, mine waning at best,
You’re a beacon to others, simply known as “Our Jess”.

God Bless you Jess!
Love Always, Dad xxxOOOxxx.

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